Medical Marijuana & Cancer


There are few diagnoses as frightening as cancer, and the treatments currently available have significant side effects that often require a cocktail of additional medications to control. However, thousands have used medical marijuana to reduce and even eliminate the major side effects of chemotherapy and radiation treatments, preserving quality of life for the patient and their family. According to both the American Cancer Society and the National Cancer Institute, cannabinoids found in medical marijuana have powerful antiemetic effects (anti-vomiting) even when other medications have failed. This complements the positive effect on appetite, and for decades this has been recognized as very beneficial for patients who would otherwise be nutrient deficient. With respect to pain management, medical marijuana reduces both pain perception and the dosage requirements of opioids, regardless of if the pain was caused by nerve damage, inflammation, or other tissue damage. Lastly, placebo-controlled studies show that patients using medical marijuana report improved sleep quality, less acute anxiety, and a better mood overall throughout their treatment process.

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