Marijuana CBD vs. Hemp CBD

Marijuana CBD vs. Hemp CBD Of the molecules in the marijuana plant, THC and CBD are the most well-known. Unlike THC, CBD does not have psychoactive effects, which means it will not cause hallucinations. Repeated studies support its anti-convulsant, anti-inflammatory, and pain-relieving effects. This means that CBD is used in: epilepsy arthritis irritable bowel and…

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Indica vs. Sativa

Indica vs. Sativa All cannabis products, including medical marijuana, come from two species of plant: cannabis sativa or cannabis indica. Although they are closely related, these plants have different characteristics in the kinds of medicines each can become. On top of this, there a huge amount of variation in size, shape, and chemical content within…

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THC and CBD: What’s the difference?

What is THC and CBD Cannabinoids are a class of chemicals uniquely found in the marijuana plant. These are what create the physical and psychological effects of recreational marijuana, and can be refined for specific effects to use as your medicine. Below, you’ll find a brief overview of the major cannabinoids, key takeaways for the…

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